Interested in Volunteering with Empire Clean Cities?
We are always looking for passionate individuals to volunteer with us. If you are interested, please contact us or visit our events page. |
Electric Vehicles
Are you curious about switching to an EV, or about what rebates are available to you?
As a New York State resident, you are eligible for state and federal electric vehicle programs. There are currently state (Drive Clean Rebate) and federal (EV/PHEV Tax Credit) incentives for purchasing or leasing an electric vehicle in New York State. The Drive Clean Rebate provides up to $2,000 off the price of an electric car at the time of purchase. The federal tax credit for electric cars provides up to $7,500 for the purchase of new electric cars. When combined with programs such as Smart Charge New York, the savings can be even higher!
More information about funding programs can be found on our incentives page under "Light-Duty and Personal Vehicles."
As a New York State resident, you are eligible for state and federal electric vehicle programs. There are currently state (Drive Clean Rebate) and federal (EV/PHEV Tax Credit) incentives for purchasing or leasing an electric vehicle in New York State. The Drive Clean Rebate provides up to $2,000 off the price of an electric car at the time of purchase. The federal tax credit for electric cars provides up to $7,500 for the purchase of new electric cars. When combined with programs such as Smart Charge New York, the savings can be even higher!
More information about funding programs can be found on our incentives page under "Light-Duty and Personal Vehicles."
Electric Vehicle Charging
At Home:
Most EV drivers charge their vehicles overnight at home using AC Level 1 or AC Level 2 charging equipment.
Level 1 means plugging in directly to a standard electrical wall outlet! Level 2 equipment can be easily and affordably installed in home garages. Either option is great for overnight charging while your car is parked. |
At Work:
Workplace charging makes owning an EV easier for drivers commuting into and near NYC, advances corporate sustainability initiatives, and improves the environment of offices and their communities.
If you are an employer or employee, click below to learn more about how you can enhance your business with workplace charging. |
Citizens Anti-Idling Complaint Form
In New York City, you can report an idling vehicle, other than an authorized emergency vehicle, that is parked with its engine running for more than three minutes, or parked next to a school with its engine running more than one minute. And, you can earn cash for your complaint!
Civilians who report an idling vehicle can earn a percentage of the fine, which can amount to 25 percent of the total fines imposed. Fines range from $350 to a maximum of $2,500 for a repeat offense.
Civilians who report an idling vehicle can earn a percentage of the fine, which can amount to 25 percent of the total fines imposed. Fines range from $350 to a maximum of $2,500 for a repeat offense.
Shared Mobility
Car-sharing is a transportation model in which individuals can rent vehicles for short periods of time, and usually in which the owner of the vehicle is a third party. Car-share models make it easy for an individual to get around without having to own a personal vehicle for those trips in which a bike or public transit will not work. Car-sharing usually takes one of four different forms:
Ride-sharing is just like car-pooling. Ride-sharing describes sharing a ride with other travelers or commuters who have similar start and end locations. Individuals can participate as either the owners or drivers or the vehicle, or as a passenger. Ride-sharing saves you money, reduces vehicle miles traveled, and helps alleviate congestion.
In New York, you can take advantage of app-based ride-sharing programs. Additionally, 511NY Rideshare is New York State's portal for ride-matching and car-pooling. |
Resources for Bicyclists
New York City Department of Transportation has a number of free resources for New York City cyclists, such as bike route maps, bike share information, bicycle route projects, bike local laws and more!
Additionally, organizations like Bike Hudson Valley have free bike maps per New York county and across the entire state. Whether you want to bike recreationally or for commuting, there is a trail for you!
Additionally, organizations like Bike Hudson Valley have free bike maps per New York county and across the entire state. Whether you want to bike recreationally or for commuting, there is a trail for you!
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